If you would like to be added to the interest list and notified of future classes, please email Travis Espinoza at: Travis.Espinoza@vvc.edu
California State Fire Training and Victor Valley College are pleased to host the following two courses. Registered Instructor Orientation (RIO) and Certification Examination Evaluator Training (CEET). The State Fire Training Procedures Manual section (Instructor Requirements) requires all Registered Instructors to complete both courses to operate as a Primary Instructor for any Accredited Local Academy (ALA) or Accredited Regional Training Program ARTP. RIO is required to be a Registered Instructor through State Fire Training.
Description: This course is designed to provide instructors who will deliver SFT training programs with an overview of State Fire Training, CFSTES and FSTEP, instructor registration requirements, instructor responsibilities and accountability, how to schedule and return courses, and the SFT Procedures Manual.
Certification Examination Evaluator Training
Description: This course provides in-depth instruction on the registration requirements for Registered Lead Evaluators and Skills Evaluators, processes and procedures to request and successfully deliver both written and skills certification examinations, and information on making the transition from instructor to evaluator. Personnel affiliated with an Accredited Regional Training Program (ARTP) or an Accredited Local Academy (ALA) who will be serving as either a Registered Lead Evaluator or Skills Evaluator for a certification examination process (written and/or skills).
Date: TBD
Times: TBD
Location: Victor Valley Community College Regional Public Safety Training Center 19190 Navajo Rd. Apple Valley Ca, 92307
Room #: TBD
Questions: For questions please contact:
Travis Espinoza
Chair Mentee Victor Valley College Fire Technology
SFT Master Instructor
EMAIL: Travis.Espinoza@vvc.edu
Phone: (760) 220-2669
PLEASE NOTE: This course is Non-Refundable.
If you would like to be added to the interest list and notified of future classes, please email Travis Espinoza at: Travis.Espinoza@vvc.edu