This is the standard AWS D1.1 Limited qualification test on 3/8" mild steel A36 plate with or without backing in two positions. This test can be taken with the following processes, SMAW, GMAW-S, GMAW(with backing only), GTAW, FCAW-S, and FCAW-G.
Number of Hours: 3
Required Equipment: All students must provide their own tools and PPE.
Date/Time: Contact Instructor, Troy Kuhns at: to set up a specific time/date to take your exam.
Location: Victor Valley College
18422 Bear Valley Rd. Victorville, CA 92395
Building: 67A (Lower Campus)
Troy Kuhns
Alexander Strickland
Questions: For questions please contact:
Troy Kuhns
760-245-4271 Ext. 2294